I am an internet wanderer; Stumble is my bestest friend. Clicking through websites and blogs, I can discover and learn all sorts of nifty stuff. Today, my habit led me to a new blog:
A Homesteading Neophyte. And this Homesteader is in trouble. Don't get me wrong, I'm not usually one to give anonymous strangers money over the internet. Too risky, I say! Too likely to be a scam! Here's why I think everyone should pitch in here, though: Her readers suggested the tip jar, so she's not phishing. Her posts are useful, so it would be a terrible waste of intellectual resources if she had to discontinue her blog. And, finally, she's living the dream. Out on the farm, working with animals, harvesting vegetables. Who doesn't want to support that?
No, wait, I have one more: Times are tough. Everyone's suffering, and things are probably only going to get tougher from here. With the internet, we can support those that have a similar goal, a familiar dream, no matter where they live. Why not utilize that resource?
Okay, I'm done. :) Don't feel guilty if you can't contribute - that's the beauty of the internet. It's anonymous!