I am an internet wanderer; Stumble is my bestest friend. Clicking through websites and blogs, I can discover and learn all sorts of nifty stuff. Today, my habit led me to a new blog: A Homesteading Neophyte. And this Homesteader is in trouble. Don't get me wrong, I'm not usually one to give anonymous strangers money over the internet. Too risky, I say! Too likely to be a scam! Here's why I think everyone should pitch in here, though: Her readers suggested the tip jar, so she's not phishing. Her posts are useful, so it would be a terrible waste of intellectual resources if she had to discontinue her blog. And, finally, she's living the dream. Out on the farm, working with animals, harvesting vegetables. Who doesn't want to support that?
No, wait, I have one more: Times are tough. Everyone's suffering, and things are probably only going to get tougher from here. With the internet, we can support those that have a similar goal, a familiar dream, no matter where they live. Why not utilize that resource?
Okay, I'm done. :) Don't feel guilty if you can't contribute - that's the beauty of the internet. It's anonymous!
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
The commenters who suggested the tip jar could actually be the author of the blog. I don't really know what the case is, but I don't think the fact that the blogger appears to be reluctant is heeding others' call for a tip jar is proof that her tip jar isn't a scam. I wish it weren't this way, but I never give money to people or organizations on the internet that I don't know in real life. There are too many very clever scam artists out there.
Caitlin, thank you. Your above commentator is correct. There are many scammers out there. It is one of the reasons I didn't want to do this tip jar thing. Fern, I have worked 3 long years blogging, and creating all these other full blogs to scam a few people. You caught me. There is nothing wrong with thinking that my post is a scam. It wasn't something I really wanted to do. I am fortunate enough to have friends that went behind my back and tried to help me on their own. I will blame them for my asking for help. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Asking for help.
Fern has every reason to be suspicious. I'm the one who first suggested the tip jar on Phelan's blog. And I myself have been badly burned by donating to people I "knew" through the internet, who I thought were in need.
I'm glad Phelan put up the tip jar, because I was much more nervous about donating to "friends" of hers I didn't know who were going to pass along the money to her in cash. I for one know that I'm not Phelan. And I know that if Phelan puts up a tip jar, my donation will really reach her.
If you think that somehow I am an alter ego of Phelan, examine the posts on our different blogs. Our writing styles are nothing alike.
Ultimately, I look back on the time I was burned and I conclude that I'd rather be suckered out of some cash that I could spare than lose the last spark of trust in my fellow human being, and the last spark of charity in my heart. My own intentions were good, even if I was scammed. ANY charitable organization or effort could be a scam. There's never any guarantee that the help we freely give to others will really benefit them as we intend. That's life, and we've got to live with it one way or the other.
As I stated in the post, I am also usually very suspicious of people "in need" on the internet. But the fact that her posts go back to 2006, and that many of the readers' blogs go back a similar amount of time, and that it would take a huge amount of time and effort to fake all of that, I choose to believe her. And, again, as stated in the post - if you haven't the desire or the ability to help, that's perfectly fine. No one will even be able to judge you for that decision! :)
I just need to have a little faith in humanity right now. A little bit of hope that community will, if not conquer, then at least soften the blow of these tough economic times. And, hey, even if she is a scammer - she probably needs the money anyway!! ;)
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