On a whim, I decided to plant some basil last week. I had been perusing the produce section of my grocery store when I happened upon living basil from right here in the Midwest! Grown in a little town just over the border (Kansas territory - if you ever visit this area, make sure to ask about the rivalry between the two states. It's the stuff of legend.), it is 100% local. It has the potential to be even more local, too, since I could plant it right here in my apartment! Hopefully it will, if not thrive, at least not die over the winter. With a little luck, I'll have fresh basil at my fingertips whenever I need it. It's doing well so far - the stems are stiff, the leaves aren't falling off, and it's still as green as ever. I'm taking it as a good sign that my plant will live. Please, pray for my poor little basil plant, that it may survive the short, cold months to come and see the spring sunlight! And if anyone has any suggestions, let me know - I'm new to gardening and it's quite possible that this experiment will end in Plant Manslaughter. (Plantslaughter? I should suggest it to my attorney friends.)
Basil! And the tomato dishes yet to be born in Caitlin D's kitchen all rejoiced! ;) Think of it as ratatouille insurance.
Anyway, what they need...Love. Lots of love. And light. They like light. And not Arizona summers. They hate those, though I apparently give my basil enough love to counteract the withering effects of the highest summer heat. Who knew?
To be honest, with me and plants, it's more luck than skill. I can tell you they like to grow with tomatoes, though. Isn't that convenient?
Basil should do just fine inside if you put it in a sunny window. Good luck!
Laurel: Thanks for the tips! They're getting plenty of love, that's for sure. Let's hope it's true that all you need is love. ;)
Fern: I've put them in the sunniest window I have, but I'm afraid it won't be enough what with all the recent cloud cover. :-/ Thanks for the luck, I guarantee I'll need it!
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