Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm stuffed! Please, no more food.

This holiday season has been one of the busiest I've ever had. With my families, my boyfriend's families, and friends' dinner parties, we had five (count them - five) Thanksgivings to go to this year. Add to the frantic schedule the fact that I didn't have much left over from my trip to the farmer's market last week, and you've got yourself a sticky situation. How could I make a large enough side dish with the little I had for even one of these parties? Reluctantly, I settled on making a late lunch this Sunday for Paul and myself. I had purchased a couple round cuts of beef at the market, eggs, and a couple heads of cabbage, so I could at least do that.

A round cut of beef is notoriously tough - so much so that people usually use it to make jerky! Alas, I didn't have enough to make tasty strips of portable meat, so I settled on making the meat as tender as possible. The following are my gentle instructions for beating the crap out of tough meat: After letting it thaw overnight, cut the meat on both sides with a criss-cross pattern; it should look sort of like a tic-tac-toe table. This maximizes the surface area so that the marinade can get to as much of the meat as possible. Then use a tenderizer (gee, I wonder where it got its name?) to beat the meat into submission. Not too hard, though - you don't want it to be too thin - but a short/light-handed beating will help, well, tenderize it. Marinate it in a concoction of soy sauce, lemon juice, pepper, garlic, and pineapple juice for at least six hours (I did mine overnight). When you're ready to eat, broil the meat for a minute or two on each side, and it's done! I served mine with a sunny-side up egg on top, and the meat was tender and juicy and flavorful. Nothing like a filet, but tasty nonetheless. :) On the side, we had a simple vinegar coleslaw. Here's the recipe:

Two heads of cabbage (make them two different colors to jazz it up a bit)
One large carrot
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. celery seed
1 tsp. mustard seed
1 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar

Shred vegetables and mix them together in a bowl. Combine all other ingredients in a separate bowl; pour over vegetable mixture. Refrigerate for 24 hours before serving.

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